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Year End Party – TVG 2014

On December 12th, the Board of Directors and staffs of Tinhvan Group had a warm Year End Party 2014 at the Hapu Conference Center.

2014 – the year with many emotions has gone. There had been fun and regrets. However, the most significant thing remained is that all members of TVG are still united and together on a same bus. The Year End Party was held for the Tinhvaners to sit down together, review the work done in a previous year, to communicate and understand each other and together to enter into 2015 with a new determination.

Especially, in 2015, Tinhvan Group will deploy a new Governance method which had been successfully applied by a lot of international corporations such as Google, Intel, it is OKR (Objective and Key Results). Tinhvan Group is the first organization in Vietnam applying these methods.

After singing traditional song “Tinh Van Ca”, Chairman of the Board of Management and General Director of Tinhvan Group – Mr. Hoang To shared about the operations in 2014 and development orientation in 2015. Especially, he also sent New Year greetings to all employees.

tong ket 1Mr Hoang To with his speech

Year End Party 2014 of Tinhvan Group was not only an opportunity for Tinhvaners to meet, exchange, chat, but also to honor individuals who have made significant contributions in the past year. The most important part of the party – awarding Stars 2014 was held for such purpose. The ceremony honored three best technology employees including Mr. Nguyen The Hung – Technology Director of TVT, Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang – Head of Portal team of TVS, Mr. Dao Manh Hoa – Head of Technology Team of TVC Hanoi.

tong ket 2Mr. Nguyen Quan Son – Deputy General Director of Tinhvan Group awared the prize “Technology Star” to Mr. Nguyen The Tung

tong ket 3Mr. Nguyen Son Tung – General Director of TVS awared to Mr. Dao Manh Hoa

tong ket 4Mr. Pham Thuc Truong Luong – Deputy General Director awarded the prize “Technology Star” to Mr. Nguyen Dang Quang

Sales Star had been awarded to Mr. Bui Thanh Tung – sales executive of TVO, Mr. Nguyen Van Chung – Head of Game Sales team of TVT, Mr. Nguyen Trong Duoc – Deputy Head of Sales team of MCC

tong ket 5Mr. Nguyen Khanh Hoan – Member of Board of Management of Tinhvan Group awared the prize to Mr. Bui Thanh Tung

tong ket 6Picture: Mr. Bui Van Kien – Deputy General Director of TVT awarded the prize “Sales Star” to Mr. Nguyen Van Chung

tong ket 7Picture: Mr. Nguyen Tuan Luong– Chairman of Member Council of TVS awared the prize to Mr. Nguyen Trong Duoc

tong ket 8The prize “Administrative Star” is belonged to Ms. Bui Thi Thanh Huyen – Accountant of TVH

tong ket 9The members of BOM and the Stars of Tinhvan Group 2014

Besides, the Company awarded certificates and gifts to employees with long year working. These employees were patient to serve the company through both successes and difficulties in the past 5 years.

tong ket 10Employee with long years working in the company

The ceremony was also a party of music and colors with the entertainment presentations of the “artist” from Tinhvan.

tong ket 11Mr. Nguyen KhanhHoan – one of three founders of Tinhvan Group had shown the determination of new administrative method OKR in 2015 through a song wrote by himself

tong ket 12Special performance of the veteran members of TVG named “The Story of Tinhvan”

tong ket 13“Swan” from the boys of TVO

tong ket 14A very hot dance from Tinhvan girls

tong ket 15A dance from MCC

tong ket 16The play “Ô vs Ét” from the young of TVi

The ceremony closed after awarding the prize Tinhvan’s King & Queen 2014. Mr. Nguyen Van Dien – Accountant of TVH and Ms. Chu Lan Phuong – Deputy Head of General Division of TVH had become Tinhvan’s King & Queen 2014 voted by all participants at the ceremony.

tong ket 17Tinhvan’sKing&Queen 2014

Wish the members of Tinh Van Group a year of 2015 being energetic and shall successful complete goals and OKR 2015!